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coin operated dynamic racing motorcycle game machine-44

Racing spil maskine

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Møntdrevet Dynamic Racing Motorcykel Game Machine

Model NR.: EP-R082
Størrelse: 250 * 260 * 280CM
Strøm: 1650W
Spænding: 220V

spillemaskine til salg

Produkt beskrivelse


Guangzhou EPARK Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
er en førende producent af underholdningsudstyr i Guangzhou Kina.
--Arcade Games, Soft Playground, VR Machine, 5D, 7D, 9D, 12D Cinema, Amusement Machine og så videre.
EPARK er blevet certificeret som en national højteknologisk virksomhed. Produktkvalitet og sikkerhed er garanteret.
10000m² fabrik, 500 nyeste, interessante arkadespil af god kvalitet.
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Sådan spiller

1. Put in the corresponding game tokens and enter the game;
2. By swinging the body left and right, select the track/car style/color/press the confirm button to select;
3. At the beginning of the game, twist the right- hand accelerator to accelerate,and you can use the brake to decelerate when
turning; if the car is knocked out of the track, it will automatically return to the race,and twist the accelerator continuously
to make the car stand upright;
4. When you reach the end point, the ranking will be displayed,and the game will end.
Dynamic Moto (1).jpgDynamic Moto (2).jpgDynamic Moto (3).jpgDynamic Moto (4).jpg

Snestorm (5).jpg

slag & spark (6).jpg

skør killing (7).jpg

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