Profil tvrtke:
Guangzhou EPARK Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
je vodeći proizvođač opreme za zabavu u Guangzhou Kini.
--Arkadne igre, meko igralište, VR stroj, 5D, 7D, 9D, 12D kino, zabavni stroj i tako dalje.
EPARK je certificiran kao nacionalno visokotehnološko poduzeće. Kvaliteta i sigurnost proizvoda su zajamčeni.
Tvornica od 10000 m², 500 najnovijih, zanimljivih arkadnih igara dobre kvalitete.
Nudimo vam rješenje na jednom mjestu. Tu je pouzdan i profesionalan tim koji čeka da napravi prekrasan park za vas

Započnite posao s visokim povratom

Claw crane machine is a nice combination of buying and leisure. 1. This crane game is very popular with people of all ages, and comes with prize redemption features,if you pass the game! 2. Players explore the sweet, wonderful and colorful world of game style video touch screen game.Player will through different game levels in this fun game to get prize or plush. 3. Player could aim at the doll from the overhead. 4. The player can free combines the colors, which makes your shop more gorgeous and attractive. 5. Fashionable transparent machine attracts player for the first sight. 6. Abundant and flexible background settings, ensures your revenue. 7. Aiming at the dolls from multi-angles, makes your catch at your own will and helps you enjoy the achievement once catches.