Playground ta' ġewwa ta' Kidz:
The accepted Place that is ideal for to Play and Learn Looking for the safer and place which are enjoyable your kids to create and discover? Then Kidz interior playground could be the accepted place for you if so. This innovative and playground that is exciting a wide variety of advantages and benefits for kids of all ages. From its cutting-edge design and safety features to its high-quality service and application, Kidz Indoor Playground and the EPARK bitħa fil-Mall għandu dak kollu li t-tifel/tifla tiegħek ser ikollu bżonn żmien li jkun tajjeb li jibqa' sigur.
One of the biggest features of EPARK Kidz Indoor playground is the focus on learning and education. The playground is done to market a child's cognitive development, imagination, and skills that can easily be problem-solving. Children can explore a number of different play areas, including slides, ball pits, obstacle courses, and much more. Each area was created to challenge and excite minds which are young cause them to become learn and grow.
Kidz ġewwa Playground u l-EPARK bitħa ġewwa is an innovative and cutting-edge playground that is indoor provides endless possibilities for fun and learning. The playground is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technology that ensures a safe and environment that is interactive children. The designers of Kidz Indoor Playground have inked a working job this is certainly amazing creating a place that combines education and entertainment seamlessly.
Protection can be a priority that is top EPARK Kidz Indoor Playground. The playground was created utilising the protection measures which are latest to keep offspring safe while they play. The equipment is made of top-quality materials which are both durable and safe for kids. Each area of the playground was also strategically built to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries. Parents can unwind and enjoy their time while their kids play, realizing that they are in a safe and environment that is secure.
L-użu ta' Kidz Indoor Playground huwa bla tbatija u faċli u l-EPARK slide tal-bitħa fuq ġewwa. Simply bring your child to the playground and let them play in a safe and environment that is supervised. The playground is staffed by experienced and professionals which can be friendly make certain that every young child is safe and happy. Parents can choose from the variety of play options, including drop-in play, birthday parties, and private events.
Fabbrika EPARK li timmanifattura wiċċ ta '10,000 metru kwadru. EPARK kidz linji ta 'prodotti tal-bitħa ta' ġewwa, li jinkludu aktar minn 1000 mudell bħala 400 tip ta 'spare parts ta' aċċessorji. Dawn il-prodotti magħmula jissodisfaw il-ħtiġijiet tal-klijenti kollha. EPARK ta aktar 50 privattiva.
fokus primarju negozju produzzjoni teknoloġiji tagħmir tad-divertiment. Il-prodotti ewlenin li noffru isparar Magni tas-swali, logħob tat-tlielaq sports swali kiddie rides kif ukoll 9D VR, tali VR kidz bitħa ġewwa, VR ċinema, VR roller coaster.
kumpanija akkreditata permezz ta 'lSO9001, CE, SGS ċertifikazzjonijiet oħra. Barra minn hekk, għandha minn 20 privattiva għall-mejda tal-hockey tal-arja tal-veloċità tagħna huma protetti d-drittijiet tal-bitħa ta' ġewwa kidz indipendenti. Il-kumpanija nnominat "intrapriża ta 'teknoloġija għolja fi ħdan il-Provinċja ta' Guangdong tal-Provinċja ta 'Guangdong".
Jipprovdi klijenti full kidz bitħa ġewwa distribuzzjonijiet raġonevoli jassisti jkollna aktar flus kontanti joħolqu pjanijiet ta 'negozju ħwienet għajnuna ippjanar diversed attivitajiet ta' negozju disinji IP periferali kreazzjonijiet avvenimenti materjali jassistu titjib ħwienet ċirkolazzjoni persunal rekwiżiti tan-negozju speċifiċi klijenti.
Kidz Indoor Playground of EPARK offers high-quality services and products at a price that is affordable. The playground is staffed by experienced and qualified professionals who are specialized in supplying service that is exemplary all customers. The play equipment is designed to last for years and is extremely durable, despite having high use. The playground also delivers a number of different play options and packages to allow for all budgets and choices.