Mudell NO.:EP-L086
Daqs: L180 * W265 * H270CM
LCD: 75"
Plejer: 4
Profil tal-Kumpanija:
Guangzhou EPARK Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
huwa manifattur ewlieni tat-tagħmir tad-divertiment f'Guangzhou Ċina.
--Logħob tal-Arcade, Playground artab, Magni VR, 5D, 7D, 9D, 12D Ċinema, Magni tad-Divertiment u l-bqija.
EPARK ġie ċċertifikat bħala intrapriża nazzjonali ta 'teknoloġija għolja. Il-kwalità u s-sigurtà tal-prodott huma ggarantiti.
Fabbrika ta '10000m², 500 Logħob arcade l-aktar ġdid, interessanti u ta' kwalità tajba.
Ipprovdilek soluzzjoni one-stop. Hemm tim affidabbli u professjonali qed jistenna biex jagħmel park mill-isbaħ għalik
Ibda n-Negozju ta 'Ritorn Għoli
Kif tilgħab
This machine includes four coin slots for multiplayer action. Players insert coins, press the OK button to begin, and use the gun to select levels. Choices can be confirmed after a set time or by pressing the Start button.
There are six levels to choose from, with players initially selecting from the first five. Completing these levels unlocks the sixth.
Players use a mobile ball gun to shoot monsters and defeat the boss to win.
If a player's health reaches zero, they enter a coin renewal stage. Failing to renew will take them to the GAME Over screen, ending the session.
Each player's score appears on the top left and right of the screen. Defeating enemies and collecting items boosts energy and scores. When energy is full, players can activate high-speed shooting mode for easier monster defeats. If the machine dispenses tickets, scores will convert into lottery tickets at the end of the game.
Evalwazzjoni tal-Kreditu għall-Intrapriża
Intrapriża Nazzjonali ta' Teknoloġija Għolja
Intrapriża ta 'Integrità tas-Servizz ta' Kwalità
Ċertifikat tal-Klassifikazzjoni tal-Kreditu tal-Intrapriża
Intrapriżi ta 'Kwalità U Affidabbli
Hevavy Kuntatt Żamma ta 'Kreditu Intrapriża
Fornitur Verifikat Mill-Organizzazzjoni Dinjija ta 'Spezzjoni TUV Rheinland U SGS.
It-tim ta’ ħbiberija tagħna jħobb jisma’ mingħandek!