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Makineri për shitjen e produkteve për të rritur

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Makina shitëse e hoteleve Makina shitëse për të rritur për përdorim komercial

përshkrim i produktit

Our personal care and contraceptive vending machines are a cautious and convenient solution to meet the needs of adult products. Through customizable options, users can choose from various personal care and contraceptive products, such as condoms, lubricants, pregnancy tests, etc. The easy-to-use touch screen with a card reader ensures privacy and convenience. Very suitable for adult shops, restrooms, nightclubs, etc.


1. The screen adopts a 21.5-inch industrial grade all-in-one machine and a high-end Android motherboard

2. Thickened tempered glass, anti smashing and explosion-proof

3. Combination of grid cabinets and main cabinets, one main cabinet can drag multiple grid cabinets

4. Telekomandë, 24 orë me pakicë pa pilot

5. Cloud backend management system, supporting real-time monitoring of machine operation data by computers and intelligent terminals

Emër Sex Toy Vending Machine
Masat W120*D80*H195CM
Fuqija 50W
peshë 230KG
Kapaciteti i mallit 6 kate, 9 produkt/kat, kapaciteti total 270-400 cope
material Pllakë çeliku e galvanizuar e trashë
Përcaktimi i temperaturës konfigurimi normal i temperaturës

Hotel Vending Machine Adult Product Vending Machine For Commercial Use factory

Hotel Vending Machine Adult Product Vending Machine For Commercial Use factory

Hotel Vending Machine Adult Product Vending Machine For Commercial Use details

Hotel Vending Machine Adult Product Vending Machine For Commercial Use manufacture

Hotel Vending Machine Adult Product Vending Machine For Commercial Use supplier

Hotel Vending Machine Adult Product Vending Machine For Commercial Use supplier


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