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Ovoz o'tkazmaydigan telefon kabinasi

Sizga EPARK kerak bo'lishining asosiy sababi ovoz o'tkazmaydigan telefon kabinasi Bu sizning xavfsizligingizda bo'lishi kerak bo'lgan yangilik


Ehtimol, siz telefonni zaruriy holga keltirmoqchi bo'lgan vaziyatda o'tirgandirsiz, lekin sizning yoningizdagi shovqin chindan ham chidab bo'lmas darajada? Ehtimol, siz topish mumkin bo'lgan ish ofisida, restorandasiz va hatto shovqinli oila haqida bilasiz. Qayerda EPARK tirnoqli kran arkadasi qulay bo'ladi.

Why choose EPARK Soundproof phone booth?

Tegishli mahsulot toifalari


Soundproof Phone Booth stands are an easy task to utilize, making them suitable for people of all centuries.

To employ a EPARK yopiq uylar, maneuver around and just shut the entranceway behind you.

Then, create your call whilst you would, enjoying the noise and confidentiality reduction that the soundproofing supplies.

Qanday qilib aniq foydalanish kerak?

Here are some points to follow when use making of telephone unit this is Soundproof Phone Boot.

Step 1: Enter the EPARK yopiq karting and shut the door hinged you.

Step 2: make a call quick dial the genuine wide variety you intend to phone.

Step 3: Speak into the phone although you would typically while experiencing the privacy and noise decrease that the machine supplies.

Step 4: finish your call and then leave the system.


Soundproof Phone Booth, we offer exceptional customer care assuring the knowledge is seamless and satisfying at our very own cellphone.

We've been specialized in quality delivering EPARK tirnoq o'yini meet the customers' requirements, and our team of professionals is accessible to give support and advice.

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