aloqada qiling

coin operated dynamic racing motorcycle game machine-44

Poyga o'yin mashinasi

Bosh sahifa >  mahsulot >  Poyga o'yin mashinasi

Tanga bilan ishlaydigan dinamik poyga mototsikl o'yin mashinasi

Model №: EP-R082
Hajmi: 250 * 260 * 280CM
Power: 1650W
Kuchlanish: 220V

o'yin mashinasi sotiladi

Mahsulot tavsifi

Kompaniya profili:

Guangzhou EPARK Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Xitoyning Guanchjou shahrida etakchi o'yin-uskunalar ishlab chiqaruvchisi.
--Arja o'yinlari, yumshoq o'yin maydonchasi, VR mashinasi, 5D, 7D, 9D, 12D kino, o'yin-kulgi mashinasi va boshqalar.
EPARK milliy yuqori texnologiyali korxona sifatida sertifikatlangan. Mahsulot sifati va xavfsizligi kafolatlangan.
10000 m² zavod, 500 ta eng yangi, qiziqarli, sifatli arkada o'yinlari.
Sizga bir martalik yechimni taqdim eting. Ishonchli va professional jamoa siz uchun ajoyib park yaratishni kutmoqda

Coin Operated Game Crane Prize Game Machine ishlab chiqarishCoin Operated Game Crane Prize Game Machine ishlab chiqarish

Yuqori daromadli biznesni boshlang

Coin Operated Game Crane Prize Game Machine ishlab chiqarishCoin Operated Game Crane Prize Game Machine zavodiCoin Operated Game Crane Prize Game Machine tafsilotlari

o'ynash qanday

1. Put in the corresponding game tokens and enter the game;
2. By swinging the body left and right, select the track/car style/color/press the confirm button to select;
3. At the beginning of the game, twist the right- hand accelerator to accelerate,and you can use the brake to decelerate when
turning; if the car is knocked out of the track, it will automatically return to the race,and twist the accelerator continuously
to make the car stand upright;
4. When you reach the end point, the ranking will be displayed,and the game will end.
Dynamic Moto (1).jpgDynamic Moto (2).jpgDynamic Moto (3).jpgDynamic Moto (4).jpg

Qor bo'roni (5).jpg

musht va zarba (6).jpg

aqldan ozgan mushukcha (7).jpg

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