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Arkadna igra s kandžama

All about the EPARK Arcade Claw Game


Zanima vas najbolja i inovativna arkadna Claw igra? Nakon toga ne tražite dalje od arkadnih videoigara s kandžama. Ova je videoigra doista ugodna za bilo koju dobnu skupinu, a uz to jamči izvrsno znanje igranja igara. The arkadna igra s kandžama is becoming prominent in centers, arcades, and video game stores worldwide. In this EPARK advertising post, we shall talk about the advantages, development, protection, use, service, supreme quality, and application linked to the claw video game arcade.

Zašto odabrati EPARK Arcade igru ​​s kandžama?

Povezane kategorije proizvoda


Igru Arcade Claw nije teško koristiti. Slijedite ove korake za opuštanje i igru:

1. Umetnite kovanice ili žetone prema stroju

2. idi kandžom pomoću joysticka

3. Poravnajte kandžu uz nagradu koja vam je potrebna

4. Pritisnite promjenu da omogućite kandžu prema dolje

5. oduzeti nagradu

In case claw successfully grabs the prize, it shall move towards the reward outlet place, as well as member gets their particular reward. If the EPARK claw misses, the ball player can try yet again.


Customer care is crucial. Arcade Claw Game service providers provide exemplary customer care, fix and upkeep services. The EPARK providers ensure that the claw this is arcade will be able to work precisely, and they replace faulty areas if required. they offer member assistance services in case there was any equipment dilemmas or malfunctions. The stroj za igru ​​s kandžama tvrtke osiguravaju da igrači imaju ugodno znanje o igranju videoigara.


The Arcade Claw Game provides high-quality and sturdy video gaming equipments. The machines can be found with strong materials, and so the EPARK consists of top-quality metallic for durability. Developers make sure stroj za igru ​​s kandžama equipment's electronics function precisely, they use qualified not toxic supplies for the gifts, guaranteeing good quality.

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