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Arkada za boksačku vreću

Punchingbags Arcade EPARK: Najbolji način da se zabavite i pokrenete brige


Tražite uzbudljiv i način provođenja vremena kroz arkadu? Ne tražite dalje, jer stroj za boksačku vreću arcade EPARK may be the option best to suit your needs Ourmost recent and invention which might be certainly biggest combines theenjoyment of arcade video games aided by the launch physical of a bag. Take alook at of the popular features of making use of the punching case arcade:

Zašto odabrati EPARK arkadu s boksačkom vrećom?

Povezane kategorije proizvoda


Usingthe punching bag arcade is a snap Just insert a money and initiatepunching the bag. Most of our EPARK vreća za udaranje arkada stroj je napravljen da prati i prikazuje vašu energiju udaranja, možete biti u usporedbi s prijateljima i obitelji tako da možete promatrati jake.

Samo kako iskoristiti:

To use our EPARK stroj za igru ​​boksačke vreće, follow these guidelines quick

1. Umetnite novčić u opremu.

2. Odaberite iznos problema.

3. Počnite udarati torbu što jače možete

4. Gledajte kako je prikazano djelovanje dok gledate na zaslon.


Weyou need to satisfaction in providing service this might be certainly top-notchour customers. If you encounter any pressing problems while using our EPARK punchingbag arcade, try not to wait to make contact with our specialists readilyavailable. We're here to make certain that your understanding throughout thearcade is nothing short of amazing product

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