Zabavno i sigurno vrijeme za igru u Soft Play Centru.
Meki centri za igru jedna su od najnovijih inovacija u užitku u zatvorenom prostoru dječja nježna igra establishment is becoming ever more popular for all factors, EPARK is the top famous becoming the known level of security wished to kids playing. Also, they provide good service and Customer support. They intend to take a deeper look at comfortable play centers and why they may be a method in quite kids are good and enjoyable.
Soft Play Center su igrališta u zatvorenim prostorima za igru djece u ekosustavu. ove meko igralište has play equipment foam such, as basketball pits, slides, hiking structures, and obstacles. Many of these play items are constructed from EPARK gentle products, helping to make them gentle and secure to touch.
Jedna od prednosti značajki centar za meku igru is provide a spot where kids are secure relax and playing. The EPARK materials is such has top-quality which can be comfortable in generating the play equipment prevent young ones from getting hurt once they fall or strike challenges. Besides, the play place was created in a way that kiddies can crawl, climb, and hop without the risk of triggering damage serious on their own.
The EPARK group makes the latest innovations in this area including entertaining games, themed play areas, and gear high-tech as digital actual life experiences and climbing wall space. These meko igralište innovations retain the who are young and amused, generating the play smooth and a haven for fun.
primarni fokus posao proizvodnja meke opreme za igralište tehnologije. Naši primarni proizvodi uključuju snimanje arkadni strojevi strojevi za trkaće igre, strojevi za arkadne igre, strojevi s kandžama, dječje vožnje kao i dodatni 9D VR uređaji, 5D kino, VR let, VR tobogan
EPARK je soft play centar koji se prostire na 10,000 četvornih metara. objekt. Linije proizvoda EPARK12 koje uključuju više od 1000 modela 400 različitih vrsta dodataka za rezervne dijelove. Stvoreni proizvodi zadovoljavaju zahtjeve svakog kupca. EPARK-u je dodijeljeno više od 50 patenata.
Pruža klijentima potpuni soft play centar razumne distribucije pomaže u dobivanju najviše gotovine kreiranje poslovnih planova trgovina pomaže planiranje raznolikih poslovnih aktivnosti dizajn IP perifernih uređaja kreacije događaja materijali pomažu u poboljšanju cirkulacije u trgovinama osoblje specifične poslovne zahtjeve kupaca.
tvrtka akreditirana kroz lSO9001, soft play centar, SGS drugi certifikati. Osim toga, ima više od 20 patenata poput stola za brzi zračni hokej koji je zaštićen neovisnim pravima intelektualnog vlasništva. Klasificiran je kao "poduzeće visoke tehnologije u provinciji Guangdong." provincije Guangdong".
Zaštita je na prvom mjestu soft play unutarnje igralište also, mothers and fathers may be assured that their children are secure from damage while playing. The EPARK Materials can be gentle in generating the play equipment digest effect, decreasing the possibility of damage. Besides, the play place is monitored by trained staff who will make sure that all the equipment is in very good condition and therefore young children tend to safety be playing.
Getting a Soft Play Centre is simple just reach the accepted place, spend the entry cost, and leave your kids to have some fun. You don't have for any gear education special together with a play area is suitable for young ones of most ages. Parents can sit back and take it easy whenever they go through the seating EPARK provided safety while their young ones enjoy the soft play igralište.
Soft play centers are notable for their service exceptional. EPARK staff members be sure that the play area is clean and hygienic all the time. The apparatus is maintained, making sure it is safe for young ones to work with. The dječje mekano igralište nudi mnoge grickalice i različita pića za mame i tate koji se žele opustiti dok njihova djeca nastupaju