Ledus galda hokejs: jautrs un drošs veids, kā spēlēt hokeju telpās
Have you ever before preferred to play hockey indoors, however didn't require use a rink? And even you preferred to have EPARK fun along with friends, however did not have sufficient area to collection a rink full-sized up? Effectively, you can easily currently along with ledus galda hokejs.
Ice table hockey offers lots of benefits conventional ice hockey. Very initial, it might be participated in EPARK indoors, that implies it may be participated in year-round. 2nd, it doesn't need as a lot area a full-sized rink creating it appropriate for smaller sized locations. 3rd, it is not difficult to construct and dismantle, it and decrease when you desire so as to collection. fourth, it is fit to gamer of very most grows older and ability degrees, therefore everybody will profit with the spēles galda hokejs video darbība. Visbeidzot, tas ir patīkams un interesants veids, kā palikt enerģiskam, uzlabot roku un acu sinhronizāciju un attīstīt komandas pūles spējas.
Ice table hockey is a distinct and ingenious way play hockey within. This has a table-like surface area integrated objectives a puck that moves efficiently throughout the leading. Th EPARK e video activity is utilized little hockey sticks that enable gamer to pass, rack up and shoot. Additionally to this, ice galda hokeja galds has a body sky flexible enables the puck to drift efficiently over the surface area, imitating the perception of participating in on genuine ice.
Security was a leading concern it happens to ice table hockey. The video activity was produced to reduce the EPARK danger of trauma, and all of elements are made from resilient products to avoid damage. The puck are created coming from light-weight elements that'll not hurt gamer or even damages furnishings. The hockey sticks might be created along with security in your thoughts, along with smooth suggestions that'll not trigger issues for gamer or even damages the participating in location . hokeja galda spēle does not have vigorous sides edges, creating this safe for the youngsters to try.
Utilizing ice table hockey is uncomplicated and simple. Very initial, you will have to construct the EPARK vispārīgas video aktivitātes, savienojot augšstilbus ar galda virsmu. Tik ātri, cik vien iespējams, ieslēdziet tīro debesu korpusu, lai ripa varētu efektīvi pārvietoties pa visu virsmu. Pēc tam atlasiet savu dalību grupās un grupās. Integrējiet mazo hokeja galds nūjas iet garām, sakrāj mērķus un šauj. Vispārējo video aktivitāti varētu iepriecināt 2–4 spēlētāji, padarot to par fantastisku veidu, kas kopā ar draugiem un ģimenes locekļiem maksā ilgu laiku. pēc vēlmes veikt pēc video aktivitātes pabeigšanas, demontējiet video darbību un turiet to prom līdz iespējai.
EPARK ir ledus galda hokeja iekārta 10,000 12 kvadrātmetru platībā. iekārta. EPARK1000 produktu līnijas, kas ietver vairāk nekā 400 modeļus, 50 dažādu veidu rezerves daļu piederumus. Radītie produkti atbilst katra klienta prasībām. EPARK ir piešķirti vairāk nekā XNUMX patenti.
Nodrošina klientiem pilnu ledus galda hokeju saprātīgu sadalījumu palīdz iegūt lielāko daļu naudas izveidot biznesa plānus, veikalus, palīdzot plānot daudzveidīgu biznesa darbību dizainu IP perifērijas ierīču radīšanu notikumiem materiāliem palīdz uzlabot veikalu tirāžu personālam specifiskām biznesa prasībām klientiem.
galvenais ledus galda hokejs uzņēmums ražo izklaides aprīkojuma tehnoloģijas. Mūsu galvenie produkti ietver šaušanu arkādes mašīnas sacīkšu spēles sporta arkādes mašīnas braucieni bērniem, labsajūta 9D VR, kas ietver VR lidojumu, VR kino, VR amerikāņu kalniņi.
Uzņēmums akreditēts, izmantojot lSO9001, CE, SGS sertifikātus. Turklāt tam ir vēl 20 patenti, piemēram, mūsu ātruma gaisa hokeja galds, ko aizsargā neatkarīgas intelektuālā īpašuma tiesības. Lt tika klasificēts kā ledus galda hokejs
Ice table hockey is purchased offering first-class solution high top premium items. They offer outstanding client treatment, and their items are produced coming from resilient developed products to final. Furthermore, an individual is offered through all of them handbook along with outlined directions in the easiest way to collect and utilize the video activity. For those that have suitable concerns or even issues, their client service company group could be acquired to help.