
Hockey fuq il-mejda tas-silġ

Ice Table Hockey: Il-Mod Divertenti u Sikur biex tilgħab il-Hockey fuq ġewwa

Have you ever before preferred to play hockey indoors, however didn't require use a rink? And even you preferred to have EPARK fun along with friends, however did not have sufficient area to collection a rink full-sized up? Effectively, you can easily currently along with hockey fuq il-mejda tas-silġ.

Vantaġġi tal-Ice Table Hockey

Ice table hockey offers lots of benefits conventional ice hockey. Very initial, it might be participated in EPARK indoors, that implies it may be participated in year-round. 2nd, it doesn't need as a lot area a full-sized rink creating it appropriate for smaller sized locations. 3rd, it is not difficult to construct and dismantle, it and decrease when you desire so as to collection. fourth, it is fit to gamer of very most grows older and ability degrees, therefore everybody will profit with the hockey fuq il-mejda tal-logħob attività tal-vidjo. Fl-aħħar nett, huwa mod pjaċevoli u interessanti li tibqa' enerġetika, ittejjeb is-sinkronizzazzjoni tal-idejn u l-għajnejn, u tiżviluppa l-abbiltajiet tal-isforz tat-tim.

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Fornitur u Kwalità

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