aloqada qiling

Stol xokkeyi


Stolli xokkey - bu oilangiz va do'stlaringiz bilan osongina dam olishingiz mumkin bo'lgan o'yin va qiziqarli o'yin muzli xokkey stol o'yini EPARK tomonidan yaratilgan. Ushbu innovatsion o'yin klassik xokkey o'yiniga yangi burilish. Biz stol xokkeyining afzalliklari, u qanday ishlashi va undan qanday qilib to'g'ri foydalanish haqida gaplashamiz.


Stol xokkeyi, shu jumladan stol xokkey o'yini EPARK tomonidan qo'l-ko'zni muvofiqlashtirish, reaktsiya vaqti va strategik fikrlashni yaxshilashning ajoyib usuli. Ushbu o'yinni ziyofatlarda yoki oilaviy yig'ilishlarda ajoyib dam olish usulini sinab ko'ring. stol xokkeyi barcha yoshdagilar uchun kam ta'sirli ideal sport turidir. An'anaviy xokkeydan farqli o'laroq, stol xokkeyi ob-havo sharoitidan qat'i nazar, yil davomida yopiq joylarda o'ynashi mumkin.

Why choose EPARK Table ice hockey?

Tegishli mahsulot toifalari

Faqat qanday foydalanish kerak:

To play table ice hockey, identical to muz ustida xokkey supplied by EPARK, each player should position their miniature players the playing field. The overall game is started by dropping the miniature puck inside the center regarding the playing field. Players should incorporate the provided paddles move their players and try to score by shooting the puck in their opponent's goal. The player most abundant in goals in the final end regarding the game wins.


Table ice hockey games, along with the yaxshi havo xokkey stoli by EPARK come with a consumer and warranty service support. You are able to contact the maker for assistance should you ever have any problems with your game. Some manufacturers also offer repair services in the event the game becomes broken or damaged.


Table ice hockey games are made with high-quality materials to verify longevity and durability, similar to the EPARK's product like arkada havo xokkey stoli. The overall game components, including the miniature players and puck, is made from sturdy designed materials to last. Additionally, the overall game board and paddles is produced with top-notch lumber or plastic materials that will withstand regular utilize.

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aloqada qiling