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Stol ustidagi xokkey

Stolli xokkey: Sportdan zavqlanishning qiziqarli va xavfsiz usuli

Siz xokkey muxlisisiz, lekin haqiqiy muz maydonchasiga kira olmayapsizmi? stol muz xokkey, ehtimol, tugagan bo'lishi mumkin. EPARK shunchaki siz uchun. stol ustidagi xokkey muzli xokkeyning umumiy o'yinini taqlid qiluvchi stol ustida o'ynaladigan o'yin. Biz stol xokkeyining afzalliklari, uning xavfsizlik xususiyatlari, u bilan qanday ishlash, qo'llanilishi va xizmatlarini o'rganamiz.


Stolli xokkey to'liq miqyosli xokkeyning bir qator afzalliklariga ega. Vaqt, birinchi navbatda, uni bino ichida o'ynash mumkin  EPARK ob-havo yoki vaqt, shuning uchun siz o'zingizni tashvishlantirmasligingiz kerak. Bundan tashqari, u an'anaviy xokkeyga qaraganda arzonroq, bu yosh bolali oilalar yoki o'yindan zavqlanishni orzu qilganlar uchun ajoyib tanlovdir. muzli xokkey stol o'yini uydan chiqmasdan, chunki bu qimmat uskunalar, muz uchun to'lovlar yoki muz vaqtini talab qilmaydi. stol muz xokkey qilish, eng qulay va qulay bo'lishi mumkin.

Why choose EPARK Ice hockey on table?

Tegishli mahsulot toifalari

Qanday ishlatish

Using table ice hockey is relatively simple just stick to the instructions. Generally, the table is setup by attaching the legs or base, then placing the surface on top playing once the table try in put, the puck and player figurines are placed on the outer playing lining. Players are able to make use of the levers on each relative side of the table to control their players and move the puck towards their opponent's goal post.


Table ice hockey is sold by several manufacturers and retailers. It is essential to buy a group from the  EPARK reputable retailer close customer care. Manufacturers should provide clear instructions customer care if something goes wrong or if perhaps replacement parts are required. Before purchasing, always check out the manufacturer's return and warranty policy to ensure that you are not stuck with a stol xokkey o'yini product that was faulty.


When purchasing a table ice hockey set, it is necessary to purchase a top-notch product. Seek out a table with a sturdy construction and smooth playing surface. The puck must be lightweight and glide smoothly across the playing area. The ball player figurines must be well-designed and sturdy to prevent them from breaking easily. Always read customer reviews before investing in an item to make sure that other users have possessed a positive experience the set.

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